4 Sneaky Appliances that Can Really Hurt your Wallet… Unexpectedly

Did you know these appliances that can cause water damage in your home?

Most people think of flooding or burst pipes as the main culprits of water damage, but there are actually several household appliances that can also cause water damage if not properly maintained. And even when maintained properly, sometimes parts just fail without warning. The following will help you be on the lookout!

Four common appliances that can lead to water damage in your home.

1. Washing Machine: Your washing machine is one of the most common culprits of water damage in homes. If the hoses connected to your washing machine become worn or damaged, they can leak or burst, causing water to flood your laundry room and potentially seep into other areas of your home. It is important to regularly inspect your washing machine hoses for any signs of wear and tear, and replace them if necessary.

2. Dishwasher: Like your washing machine, your dishwasher relies on hoses to supply water to the appliance. If these hoses become clogged or damaged, they can leak water onto your kitchen floor or cabinets. Additionally, if your dishwasher is not properly sealed or if the door latch is broken, water can leak out during the wash cycle. To prevent water damage from your dishwasher, it is important to regularly check the hoses and seals for any issues.

3. Refrigerator: Your refrigerator may seem like an unlikely culprit for water damage, but the ice maker and water dispenser in many modern refrigerators can cause leaks if not properly maintained. The water supply line that runs to your refrigerator can become kinked or damaged, leading to leaks behind or underneath the appliance. Additionally, the ice maker itself can malfunction and cause water to spill onto your kitchen floor. Regularly inspecting the water supply line and ice maker in your refrigerator can help prevent water damage in your home.

4. Water Heater: Your water heater is another appliance that can lead to water damage if not properly maintained. Over time, the tank of your water heater can develop rust or corrosion, leading to leaks. Additionally, the pressure relief valve on your water heater can malfunction and release excess water, causing flooding in your utility room or basement area. Regularly inspecting your water heater for any signs of leaks or damage can help prevent water damage in your home.

Being proactive

By regularly inspecting and maintaining these appliances, you can help prevent costly and stressful water damage in your home. If you do experience water damage from any of these appliances, it is important to address the issue promptly by calling a water damage restoration company. A fast response will help to prevent further damage and potential mold growth.